Newsletter Archive
Enjoy the holidays!
Mixing up the off-season
Running through the winter
Finding your groove
Staying motivated
Race preparation phase
A sample season
Good running workouts
First race of the season
Race warm ups explained
Single sport focus training
Choosing your goal race
Making recovery happen
Working towards training goals
Summer training reminders
Is today quitter's day?
Off season training
Racing is Back!
Maintenance Training workout ideas
Living in Amber
Motivation during a pandemic
Planning recovery days and weeks
Staying motivated during Covid-19
Keep your chin up (Pandemic thoughts)
Training and racing during Covid-19
Mission: 2020
Holidays and exercise
The carrot or the stick
Half-Iron in a nutshell
Establishing a routine
It's a new year!
Strength training ideas
Long distance training overview
Long distance racing reminders - expanded version
Long distance racing reminders
Improving your swim
Racing local
How to use TrainingPeaks effectively
Staying positive
Power meter analysis for Ironman training
How to avoid overtraining - on Defeat Same
New to running approach - on DefeatSame
Take your training to the next level
Safe Cycling
New Years Resolutions are phooey
Season planing with SWOT analysis
Mental toughness
Athletic consequences of inadequate sleep
Winter training: Staying on track - Daniel Scagnelli
Off season strength training
Heart rate and bike power meter training
Simple strength training routines
Race readiness
30 minute survival workouts
Big week training
Recovery after hard training and racing
Summary of long distance training and racing nutrition
Richmond Endurance Symposium notes - February 2014
Key Metrics and Strength training summary
Ideal body composition for endurance athletes
SMART Goals - Daniel Scagnelli
Off Season Training - Daniel Scagnelli
Stress Management
Adjusting Expectations
Brick training for beginners
Half-Ironman specific training (presentation)
The importance of base training (presentation)
Swimming strength training and injury prevention
Quick core strength routines
Crafting a Seasonal Plan
Should I run a marathon?
Brief Summary of Powerstroke Freestyle Technique
Principles of sports training
Introduction to 5k Training (Presentation)
Your Best Year Yet (10 Good Choices)
Visualization Steps
Three Keys to a Faster Swim
Late Night Munchies - Jennifer Patzkowsky, MS, RD/LDN
Lactate threshold heart rate training
Breathing for Beginners
Know Thyself
Key Running Workouts
The one hour twenty minute training plan (8 hour abs)
One-sided or bilateral breathing in swimming
Powerstroke and the High Elbow Catch (pictures)
Endurance Training Concepts - Marty Gaal, CSCS
Plyometrics - Marty Gaal, CSCS
Swimming Defined
Healthy Eating on a Budget - Jennifer Patzkowsky, MS, RD/LDN
Good Mood Foods - Jennifer Patzkowsky, MS, RD/LDN
Keeping it Interesting
Running Intervals
The Early Season - Brianne Gaal
Top Five Super Foods - Jennifer Patzkowsky, MS, RD/LDN
Racing to your Strengths
Prioritizing Your Life
Appropriate Training Paces
Carbohydrate Loading - Jennifer Patzkowsky, MS, RD/LDN
Dealing with Anxiety - Brianne Gaal
Bike Leg Tips
Mental Training
2006 and prior
The Role of Massage in Training Part III- Melissa Hall
The Role of Massage in Training Part II- Melissa Hall
Trail Running
Off-Season Training
The Role of Massage in Training - Melissa Hall
Dealing with Setbacks
Training in the Heat
Daily Nutrition Habits
Tapering for a Triathlon
Ironman Race Day Pacing (pdf)
Half-Ironman Specific Training
2003 and prior
Nutrition Essentials in a Nutshell
Triathlon Swimming in a Nutshell
Olympic and Sprint Distance Triathlon Training
Group Riding Dynamics
Making Sense of the Science
How to Cycle Fast
Five Types of Training
Training for Your First Triathlon
Running Drills
Safe Cycling and Swimming
Visualization and Taper
Speedwork and Bricks
Setting Goals and Base Training
Effective Swimming Strategies
What Makes a Winner?